This series aims at creating awareness in the mind of readers with respect to how India is trying to position itself in the global scenario. Brand India campaign aims at increasing revenue from service and hospitality sector and in attracting investments from global market. This series covers brand like Incredible India and the various sub-brands of India like India Post, Indian Railway, Kerala- “Gods Own Country” etc. and also the Impact made by the Common Wealth Games and Indian Currency getting its new iconic symbol on Brand India.
Oct 31, 2010
Brand New- India Series 1
This series aims at creating awareness in the mind of readers with respect to how India is trying to position itself in the global scenario. Brand India campaign aims at increasing revenue from service and hospitality sector and in attracting investments from global market. This series covers brand like Incredible India and the various sub-brands of India like India Post, Indian Railway, Kerala- “Gods Own Country” etc. and also the Impact made by the Common Wealth Games and Indian Currency getting its new iconic symbol on Brand India.
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